Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Cluesletter

We had another good week this week! It is really exciting watching the students learn new things. I tell them all the time that I am not getting them ready for 5th grade, but for a great life. In science and social studies, while we try to learn the material, we are really just learning how to read nonfiction writing. When the students start to understand that they can use reading as tool to find out about things they are interested in, a light really comes on. In math this week we discussed some of the ways that estimation and rounding are used in real life situations, and how sometimes we do not need the exact answer to a problem. If, when you are out with your children, tell them when you are using math, and see if they think estimation is appropriate or if you need the exact answer.

Just a couple of reminders: Labor Day is Sept. 7, and Early Release Day is Sept. 14. The time for early release is 11:30, and there will be no after school that day. Please make plans for this. Thanks!

Good questions to ask your students—How do you subtract across zeros? When do you estimate an answer, and when might you need an exact answer? What are the different types of graphs? What is the difference between the subject and the predicate of a sentence? When you are reading, or when they are reading ask them to tell you why characters do what they do.

Looking ahead: Math— Chapter 2—Add and Subtract Whole Numbers
Reading— Facing Challenges—Lesson 4—Kai’s Journey to Gold Mountain
Spelling—Words with Inflections –ed and -ing
Writing—Journal Entry
Language—Complete and Simple Subjects and Predicates
Science— Chapter 1—Getting Ready For Science—Lesson 4
Social Studies—Chapter 2—First Americans

Again, I just want to thank you for all your support.


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