Thursday, October 29, 2009


OK I am sending home the Cluesletter a little early this week because of all that is going on at school. Tomorrow we have the annual book parade, and our class party. I, also , want to thank you for all that you are doing. I know that the list is long with all the things that we are asking you to do: like the parade, party, drinks, and volunteer time at fall festival, chocolate for the basket, selling Butter Braids, buying Square One art and the list goes on and on. We are feeling it here at school as well. We have had benchmark testing, a puppet show and helicopter this week along with the parade and the party, and all of our classes and assignments. For that reason we are only having the reading and spelling test on Friday. We will try to get back on our regular schedule of time test on Fridays next week. We are getting a little behind schedule, but I do not want for you to worry, I have built than in, I just wasn’t sure when it would start. As I walk around the room and talk with the students, I am surprised by how much we have already accomplished.

As for the opportunities that you have to volunteer and donate here at school, I want to make sure that you know that send home all the opportunities for you. You decide what you want and are willing to do. I see this list four times. I send it home to you and then I see with all three of my children. I know that there is no way that anyone can do it all. Any time you volunteer your time or donate items it is appreciated.

Thank you.

Looking ahead--Math—Chapters 7-8 test on Tuesday
Chapter 9 --Multiply by Two Digit Numbers (start Wednesday)
Reading— Natural Changes—Lesson 12--Mountains
Spelling—words with prefixes
Writing—Informational and narrative

Dates to remember—
October 30—Class Party
November 6—Fall Festival
November 6—Progress Reports

Friday, October 16, 2009


Well, it’s report card time! If I figured correctly, we had about 184 grades and exactly zero F’s. This maybe the first time in over 10 years of teaching that that has happened in my class. I do not like to give F’s, but I believe that students earn the grades and that they get rewarded for their efforts. If grades are higher or lower than you expected, please remember that I only send home tests on Fridays. We do a lot in here, and I grade a lot in here. You should see grades coming home throughout the week along with the grades sent home on Fridays. Things have been very good in the classroom though, and the students seem to be working hard on learning. I think, though, that I am more ready than they are for recess. It seems like we haven’t been outside in a month, and we are all getting cabin fever. I am starting to remember the drought as a good thing. We got to go outside everyday, it was warmer, and I rarely had to cut grass.

I will not try to cram one week of studies into two days next week, so NO SPELLING and NO MATH SPEED test for fall break!!

Please remember the fall festival—We have two important volunteer opportunities. 1. Our class is manning the food court and we need volunteers to sign up for times to work there, and 2. We need chocolate!! We are making a basket to be raffled during the festivities. Our theme is chocolate. Please contribute either some chocolate or one dollar. Mrs. Ingle has agreed to take the monetary donations and spruce up our basket. Thanks!

If your child made all A’s, A’s and B’s, and/or perfect attendance for the first nine weeks you are invited to Honors Day. Each child will be rewarded for their effort and hard work. Fourth grades time is 10:00am.

Dates to remember—
October 16—Report Cards
October 20—Honors Day
October 21-23—Fall Break
October 28—Picture Retakes
October 30—Class Party
November 6—Fall Festival

Please see the note sent home today about the Fall Festival.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Robust Vocabulary


Spelling Words--Review


Thursday, October 8, 2009


I am sending home the Cluesletter a little early this week because I will not be here on Friday. With grade level planning, fire safety, projects due, and me being out a day, we have not covered all the material I wanted to this week so I am going to postpone the reading and vocabulary test to Monday. The spelling test and the math speed test still be tomorrow.

Every time I assign a project, I feel like it is so much work for the students and the parents to do. So I put off doing them, or we do small ones in class, but whenever projects are turned it, I am reminded how valuable they are to the educational process. I was amazed at the Native American projects that you and your children turned in this week. Reading about, and seeing video clips about the Native Americans can only keep a child’s interest so long. The students will NEVER forget the Native Americans they studied, the artifact they made, or why it was useful these people. Also, there is another effect that I love about projects. Some of the students who are not the “best” have excelled at this project and others in class. I like to find success in every student, and projects like this really boost those students’ self esteem because they have produced really good work.

Thanks for all your hard work and support.

Dates to remember—
October 16—Report Cards
October 20—Honors Day
October 21-23—Fall Break
October 28—Picture Retakes
October 30—Class Party
November 6—Fall Festival

Please see the note sent home today about the Fall Festival. We need volunteers for serving food during the activities. I thought this would be much easier and a lot more social than manning a game. I hope you agree.

Looking ahead: Math— Multiplying by One Digit Numbers
Reading— Getting the Job Done—Lesson 10—Emerald’s Eggs
Writing—Informational and Persuasive
Science— Chapter 3—Weather—Lesson 2
Social Studies— Chapter 4—European Settlements

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vocabulary Words--Lesson 9


VCCCV--Spelling Words

1. monster
2. complete
3. hundred
4. exchange
5. sandwich
6. surprise
7. applause
8. although
9. conflict
10. mattress
11. purchase
12. merchant
13. pumpkin
14. angry
15. Thursday
16. ostrich
17. punctual
18. address
19. chestnut
20. luncheon
21. implication
22. enterprise
23. comprehend
24. bolster
25. mongrel

Friday, October 2, 2009

Clues Letter

OK, Your kids are great! For that reason I am going to change a couple of the classroom procedures that we normally follow. First, we will do spelling homework a little different. On the back of this sheet you will find the spelling homework. I hope that this will be more engaging for the students, and that they can use their creativity more when studying. It will also give you a typed list of the words to study each week. Also, I am going to stop putting behavior sheets on each child’s desk each week. Instead I am going to put the rules on the sheet and let them stay there for as long as possible. The behavior in this class has really been outstanding, and I feel like I am wasting paper putting sheets on students’ desk for no reason.

I am also sending home a little project. It is about the Native Americans. Make sure that your child spends more time being able to tell why the artifact was important to the people than working on the artifact itself. It will be due Thursday, October 8. Thanks.

Dates to remember—
October 16—Report Cards
October 20—Honors Day
October 21-23—Fall Break
October 28—Picture Retakes
October 30—Class Party

Questions to ask you children—What’s in the sky? Who lived here (America) before we did? How did the Native Americans use natural resources? When do you use a line graph? When do you use a double bar graph? What did the author of your AR book write it? What are some elements of great writing?

Looking ahead: Math—Multiplying by One Digit Numbers
Reading— Getting the Job Done—Lesson 9—Weaving a California Tradition
Writing—Narrative and Informational
Language—Clauses and Phrases; Complex Sentences
Science—Chapter 3—Weather—Lesson 1
Social Studies— Chapter 3—Age of Exploration

Nine tenths of education is encouragement.
-- Anatole France